Students Decision

Tips for Deciding Between Online Nursing School and Traditional School

Stepping into a nursing school for the first time, or even advancing a current nursing education, requires a student to do a little bit of research. With so many options available to prospective students these days, it is only wise to make sure that whichever school you choose, is the right one for you. Some of the things to consider are:

Accreditation - Is the school accredited, and will the education you receive be a legitimate education that will be respected by employers or even future schools. With so many false claims floating around, it can sometimes be hard to tell which schools truly have the goals of the student in mind. Some programs lure in a student by falsely advertising their program or using deceitful techniques, such as fine print, to get students into a program that will cost entirely too much and not provide a respected education.

Online nursing school or traditional campus? - Students today have choices, and one major choice a student is faced with when looking to get an education is whether or not to attend a campus based school, or whether or not online nursing school is the right choice. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and in the end, it really is a decision the student will have to make before entering any type of program. If a campus based education style is what a student has in mind, one of the first things a student should do is visit the school, and even talk to other students that are on campus. Online nursing schools are gaining a lot of popularity, and for many, the advantages of an online nursing school are just too many to pass up.

How many students are accepted into the program - As any nursing student will attest, it can be very difficult to get into many nursing schools. Because of class sizes and school limits, most schools are often full and actually have waiting lists for students. Many students find that despite being prepared and have "life" ready to be put on hold for the program, they will often not even get in on their first few attempts. Online nursing schools are typically much less formal, and may rarely meet maximum class sizes. The reason is that the nature of online nursing programs allows for a higher student / teacher ratio, therefore class sizes can be substantially more.

Calculate the costs of the entire program - Knowing the tuition rate is only the beginning of determining what kind of costs might be involved. Other costs, such as books, labs fees, and application fees, should also be considered. More costs that many do not take into account are travel time, time spent away from work, fuel costs to and from school, and meals while at school. Of course, online nursing programs do not require fuel and meal costs, and also do not require the student to miss work.

Making the right decision starts with educating yourself about school - It only makes sense that when preparing to enter adult education; one should first begin by learning about the process. Prospective students should talk to several schools, and get to know their programs and processes. Being fully informed is the key to a professional education that will lead to a fruitful career.

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